
Send Order API

Sends the order to the eshop.

The API should reponse within 2000 ms, our server tries to call endpoint of API n times.


POST your API URI (please set it on:

SSL connection is mandantory.

Header parameters

  • Api-Key: [your API key (please set it on:]
  • Content-Type: application/json


No parameters.

Request body (in JSON, )

One request contains one order data only.

Name Type Min length/value Max length/value Description
data Order object
timestamp float Request timestamp.
version string 3 5 Version of API.

Order object

Name Type Min length/value Max length/value Description
code string Order identifier.
countryCode enum Country of order, available values ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 codes, example: HU: Hungary, RO: Romania.
status enum State of order, available values:
0: Order is new
orderDate datetime Order datetime.
firstName string 1 80 First name of buyer.
lastName string 1 80 Last name of buyer.
phone string 1 30 Phone number of buyer.
email string 6 100 Email address of buyer.
deliveryMode enum Delivery mode, available values:
1: personal pick-up at the selected shop (TAKEOVER),
20: delivery to home (DELIVERY),
40: takeover at the selected receiving point (RECEIVINGPOINT).
paymentMode enum Payment mode, available values:
1 - ATDELIVERY - Pay at takeover or at delivery,
3 - CARDPAYMENT - Payment with one of the online payment modes on via Adyen,
4 - PRETRANSFER - Bank transfer.
onlinePaymentMode enum Type of online payment. All online payments are provided by payment provider called Adyen. Null if paymentMode is not CARDPAYMENT. Possible values:
CARDPAYMENT: Payment by card on (via Adyen),
GOOGLE_PAY: Payment with Google Pay (via Adyen),
APPLE_PAY: Payment with Apple Pay (via Adyen),
ONLINE_BANKING: Payment with automatic bank transfer (via Adyen) - not used in HU and RO,
PAY_BY_LINK: Payment with a unique link (via Adyen).
paymentStatus enum Description: Actual status of bank card payment. Possible values:
AUTHORIZED/AUTHORISATION: Payment is accepted. The money was booked on the buyer’s account but didn’t arrive to the partner’s account.
CAPTURED: The order amount (after deduction of commission) was transferred to the partner’s virtual Adyen account and processing has started.
PENDINGCREDIT: The transaction is being processed so the next payout will not include this amount. (But the actual balance of the Invoice data menu in Partner Portal includes this amount.)
CREDITED: The transaction has been processed so the next payout will include this amount.
REFUND_REQUESTED: Payment refund request was sent, refund process started, order is cancelled.
CANCEL_REQUESTED: Payment cancel request was sent, cancel process started, order is cancelled.
REFUNDED: The payment refund request was received by the bank, processing has started. The order amount (without commission) has been deducted from the partner's account.
CANCELLED: Payment is cancelled, payment was successfully sent back to the buyer’s account.
DEBITED: The refund has arrived to the buyer’s account, so the refund process has been completed.
CHARGEBACK: Chargeback started for the transaction.
REFUND_FAILED: The refund is not successful. The amount was not sent back to the invoice.
CAPTURE_FAILED: The capture is not successful. The payment didn’t finish after authorization.
paymentId string 16 16 Identifier of bank card payment.
grossDeliveryPrice decimal 0 99999 Total gross amount of delivery price.
grossDeliveryPriceCurrency enum Currency code of delivery price, ISO 4217 alpha-3 codes (example: HUF - Hungarian forint, RON: Romanian leu).
grossCODFee decimal 0 99999 Total gross amount of cash on delivery fee.
grossCODFeeCurrency enum Currency code of COD fee, ISO 4217 alpha-3 codes (example: HUF - Hungarian forint, RON: Romanian leu).
courierName string 0 160 In case of delivery method DELIVERY: Name of the courier company. In case of delivery method RECEIVINGPOINT: Name of the receiving point. In case of delivery method TAKEOVER: Name of the selected shop takeover point.
storeId int 1 999999999 Identifier of the store (= Personal takeover point). Null if deliveryMode is not 1 (TAKEOVER).
homeDeliveryId int 2000 2999 Identifier of the home delivery company. Null if deliveryMode is not 20 (DELIVERY).
pickUpPointId int 3000 3999 Identifier of the receiving point provider. Null if deliveryMode is not 40 (RECEIVINGPOINT).
comment string 0 1000 Optional comment text from buyer. (If empty, value is null.)
billingAddress billingAddress object Billing address information.
deliveryAddress deliveryAddress object Delivery address information, it can be buyer address (delivery to home), receiving point address (kiosk, post office, etc.), shop address as well.
products Array of product object(s) List of ordered product information

billingAddress object

Name Type Min length/value Max length/value Description
firstName string 1 80 First name of buyer.
lastName string 1 80 Last name of buyer.
name string 1 160 Name of billing address (it can be example company name)
county string 1 100 Name of the county.
postalCode string 4 10 Postal code.
city string 1 100 Town / city.
street string 1 356 Value of addressLine1 + addressLine2 (Street and house number + Additional data connected to the address.)
addressLine1 string 1 100 Street and house number.
addressLine2 string 0 255 Additional data connected to the address.
countryCode enum Country of address, available values ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 codes, example: HU: Hungary, RO: Romania.
taxNumber string 1 20 Tax registration number (optional).

deliveryAddress object

Name Type Min length/value Max length/value Description
firstName string 1 80 First name of buyer.
lastName string 1 80 Last name of buyer.
name string 1 160 Name of delivery address (it can be example company name)
county string 1 100 Name of the county.
postalCode string 4 10 Postal code.
city string 1 100 Town / city.
street string 1 356 Value of addressLine1 + addressLine2 (Street and house number + Additional data connected to the address.)
addressLine1 string 1 100 Street and house number.
addressLine2 string 0 255 Additional data connected to the address.
countryCode enum Country of address, available values ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 codes, example: HU: Hungary, RO: Romania.
shopCode string 1 10 Code of receiving points. In case of deliveryMode = 40 (RECEIVINGPOINT) otherwise this field is empty. This is a unique identifier for each receiving point provider (type).
example: 012345, a1256
shopType string 1 20 Shop type of receiving point (i.e. MOL). In case of deliveryMode = 40 (RECEIVINGPOINT) otherwise this field is empty. Each receiving point provider is able to define a shopcode.
type string 1 100 Type, receiving point provider. In case of deliveryMode = 40 (RECEIVINGPOINT) otherwise this field is empty. example:
PickPackPont: the receiving point's provider is PickPackPont, it can be follows:
- PickPackPont
- MPL Csomagpont
- MPL Csomagautomata
- GLS Csomagpont
- FOXPOST Csomagautomata
- Packeta
- Sameday
area string 1 100 Area of receiving point. In case of deliveryMode = 40 (RECEIVINGPOINT) otherwise this field is empty.

product object

Name Type Min length/value Max length/value Description
code string 1 50 Ordered product unique identifier.
name string 1 200 Ordered product name
grossUnitPrice decimal 0 999 999 999 Ordered product gross unit price.
grossUnitPriceCurrency enum Currency code of unit price, ISO 4217 alpha-3 codes (example: HUF - Hungarian forint, RON: Romanian leu).
quantity integer 1 9 999 Ordered product quantity.
commission decimal 0 999 999 999 Commission connected to the ordered product.
commissionCurrency enum Currency code of commission, ISO 4217 alpha-3 codes (example: HUF - Hungarian forint, RON: Romanian leu).

Example request

    --request POST \
    --header 'Api-Key: AnExampleApiKey3847Alksjf83Ffjsa' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --data '[JSON data below]' \


An example request:

      "onlinePaymentMode": null,
      "paymentId": null,
      "courierName":"Courier example name",
      "storeId": null,
      "pickUpPointId": null,
      "homeDeliveryId": 2007,
      "comment": "Comment example",
      "billingAddress": {
        "name":"Example Corp.",
        "street":"Main str. 12. 1st floor 5.",
        "addressLine1":"Main str. 12.",
        "addressLine2":"1st floor 5.",
        "taxNumber": null
      "deliveryAddress": {
        "name":"Example Corp.",
        "street":"Main str. 12. 1st floor 5.",
        "addressLine1":"Main str. 12.",
        "addressLine2":"1st floor 5.",
          "name":"Product 9S",
  "timestamp": 1440492741.33,
  "version": "v1.0.0"

Expected responses (JSON)

Success response

Reponse code in header.

  • 201 Created

responseData object

Name Type Min length/value Max length/value Description
orderCode string The order identifier what is in request.
internalOrderId string Internal order number within the shop (typically the one you give to customer and put on invoice).
variableSymbol string It will be used later on.

An example:

    "message": "Success",
    "code": 0,
    "version": "v1.0.0",
    "data": {
        "internalOrderId": 12345,
        "variableSymbol": 123456

Error response

Reponse code in header.

  • 400 bad request. When required parameters not supplied

errorResponseData (error) object

List of errors.

An example:

    "message": "Error",
    "code": 0,
    "version": "v1.0.0",
    "data": [],
       "Code is required."